Typemill Version 2 is Here
Version 2 of Typemill is now available, starting from the 12th of November 2023. You can download the latest version from the Typemill startpage or directly from GitHub!
Should I update my old Typemill installation today?
The answer is a firm NO. If you're creating a new website, it's recommended to use Version 2. However, for existing installations, it's advisable to wait for version 2.1.0 before updating. Here are two crucial reasons:
- The old plugins and themes are not compatible with Typemill version 2, and it will take some time to update them.
- It's prudent to wait until version 2 has been tested thoroughly in real-world scenarios.
For those eager to upgrade immediately (like I did for most of my own websites), you can follow this upgrade guide.
What's New?
While the visual appearance of version 2 remains similar to version 1, there have been substantial changes under the hood:
- Compatibility with PHP 8.0, 8.1, and 8.2.
- Tech-stack upgrade with Slim 4, Vue 3, and Tailwind CSS.
- Complete refactoring of the entire codebase.
- General design refresh.
- Introduction of a new dark mode.
- Improved navigation and publish bar.
- Enhanced raw editor with markdown highlighting and auto-scrolling.
- Improved media library.
- Introduction of a headless mode (coming soon).
- And much more.
There is also a public roadmap, that will be updated regularly, and a new discussion board for Typemill on GitHub.
To delve deeper into Version 2, visit the new chapter on the Typemill website.
Next Steps
Over the next few weeks, I will focus on updating the most crucial plugins and themes and resolving any bugs to ensure a stable and battle-tested Typemill 2. After that, I will follow the public roadmap. When the new license system is implemented, my primary focus will shift towards developing exciting plugins for the new license.
Stay tuned for more information and exciting news in the upcoming newsletter!