Add New Routes

You can add your own routes to TYPEMILL with a plugin. Simply use the public static method addNewRoutes() like this:

public static function addNewRoutes()
    return array(
        'httpMethod'    => 'get', 
        'route'         => '/myroute', 
        'class'         => 'Plugins\Myplugin\MypluginController:index'

The method returns an array with three values:

  • httpMethod: Values can be: 'get', 'post', 'put', 'delete', 'head', 'patch', or 'options'.
  • route: Value can be a valid route like '/this/is/my/route'. Please refer to the Slim documentation to find out which routes are accepted.
  • class: This is the class that should be called with the route. It accepts the fully classified namespace of the class, followed by a colon and the method within the class that should be called.

You can also add multiple routes with a multi-dimensional array like this:

public static function addNewRoutes()
    return array(
            'httpMethod'    => 'get', 
            'route'         => '/myroute', 
            'class'         => 'Plugins\Myplugin\MypluginController:index'
            'httpMethod'    => 'post',
            'route'         => '/myroute', 
            'class'         => 'Plugins\Myplugin\MypluginController:save'

To get your new route working, you have to create a PHP file in your plugin with the name MypluginCotroller.php, and a class like this:


namespace Plugins\Myplugin;

class MypluginController
    public function index()
        return die('I am the new plugin controller');