The Twig-variable currentpage
holds the number of the current page from an url with a valid pagination like /p/2
. It returns the page number as int
or false
if there is no valid pagination.
A pagination is valid with these conditions:
- An url-structure with segment
followed by an int-number. - The item must be a folder.
- The folder must contain posts.
- The page number must map to an existing page.
Example Usage
You can check the code of the cyanine theme to understand how a pagination works:
{% if item.elementType == 'folder' and item.contains == 'pages' %}
{% set pagesize = 10 %}
{% set pages = ( item.folderContent|length / pagesize)|round(0, 'ceil') %}
{% set currentpage = currentpage ? currentpage : 1 %}
{% set currentposts = (currentpage - 1) * pagesize %}
<ul class="post list pa0">
{% for element in item.folderContent|slice(currentposts, pagesize) %}
{% set post = getPageMeta(settings, element) %}
{% set date = element.order[0:4] ~ '-' ~ element.order[4:2] ~ '-' ~ element.order[6:2] %}
<li class="post-entry">
<a class="link f-link underline-hover" href="{{ element.urlAbs }}"><h2 class="mt4 mb2">{{ post.meta.title }}</h2></a>
<div class="mt3"><small><time datetime="{{date}}">{{ date | date("d.m.Y") }}</time> | {{ }}</small></div>
<p>{{ post.meta.description }}</p>
{% endfor %}
{% if pages > 1 %}
<hr class="mv4">
{% for i in 1 .. pages %}
{% if i == currentpage %}
{% else %}
<a class="page" href="{{ item.urlAbs }}/p/{{i}}">{{i}}</a>
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}