The method $this->validateParams($params)
validates parameters, for example the input-params of a form send with a post-request. It uses standard validation based on field-types. Additionally you can add validation rules with regex in the form-definitions of your yaml-configuration-file.
- @param: (array) $params. The parameters to validate.
- @return: (mixed) Returns the validated parameters if successful, otherwise returns false.
Example Usage
namespace Plugins\Myplugin;
use \Typemill\Plugin;
class Myplugin extends Plugin
public function getforminput(Request $request, Response $response, $args)
$forminput = $request->getParsedBody();
$validvalues = $this->validateParams($forminput);
# errors are added to session automatically
# here you could send user to an error page
# or get the referrer, redirect to the referrer and show errors in form
# here you can do something with the validvalues from the form
See chapter about public forms for more details. Check the plugin contactform as a first starting point how to work with public forms.