Write the Methods
Let us recap: We have our basic plugin-structure, we have your basic configuration file, we have our basic php file and in our php file we already subscribed to some events. Now let's add the IFTTT-logic, that we have described before:
- If the system has loaded all settings, then give me the settings.
- If the system has loaded the template engine, then
- add a CSS-file,
- add a JavaScript-file and
- inject a little sub-template with the initial JavaScript into the theme and
- take the user settings and paste the values for colors and content into the script.
Get the Settings
To get the settings, we only need one method and two lines of code:
namespace plugins\cookieconsent;
use \typemill\plugin;
class cookieconsent extends plugin
protected $settings;
public static function getSubscribedEvents()
return array
'onSettingsLoaded' => 'onSettingsLoaded',
'onTwigLoaded' => 'onTwigLoaded'
public function onSettingsLoaded($settings)
$this->settings = $settings->getData();
What you can see here: If you subscribe to an event, then many events pass some data to your method. For example, the event onSettingsLoaded
passes the complete settings-object of TYPEMILL to any subscriber. All events support the same methods to get and to return the data like this:
public function onAnyEvent($argument)
// get the data
$data = $argument->getData();
// manipulate the data here
// return the manipulated data
You can find more details in the event overview.
So we got the settings of TYPEMILL and we stored the settings in a variable. Now let's master the next step and add some CSS and JavaScript.
Add Assets
TYPEMILL provides some handy methods in the plugin class (check the list of methods in the documentation). Among them are methods to handle assets, and to add inline CSS or JavaScript. The methods are:
addInlineCSS('body{ background: #000; }')
You have access to all of these handy methods with the $this
keyword. If you are not familiar with $this
, then simply Google it. In short: $this
references to the current object.
You can add assets like CSS or JavaScript in every event. But in this case, we want to use the onTwigLoaded
public function onTwigLoaded()
If you want to add an internal asset like above, then use the relative path starting from your plugin folder. TYPEMILL will add the absolute path automatically.
Add Initial JavaScript
In the last step, we want to add the JavaScript that initializes the cookie consent. We can do this very easily with the addInlineJS
method like this:
public function onTwigLoaded()
$script = '
window.addEventListener("load", function(){
"palette": {
"popup": {
"background": "#d48484",
"text": "#ffffff"
"button": {
"background": "#362929",
"text": "#fff"
"content": {
"message": "This website uses cookies to ensure you get the best experience on our website.",
"dismiss": "OK",
"link": "Learn more"
This works fine. But it also has one downside: The user can not change the values for colors and content. So we have to find better way to add the script.
Next: Use a Twig Template
In the next chapters, we will create a Twig template and use some variables, so that the user can edit the values in the user interface.