Make Variables Editable

In the final step, we want to make the variables for our CookieCconsent plugin editable, so that the user can choose his own colors, and add his own content in the TYPEMILL UI. In other words, we want to create a user interface. This might sound complicated. But it is totally easy. You don't have to write a single line of code; you just have to define the input fields in the configuration file of your plugin. So let'ss do this quickly.

Define Input Fields in YAML

Let'ss remember that the YAML configuration file of a plugin can have up to three parts:

  • The first part defines the basic properties of a plugin like the version, the name, or the author.
  • The second part defines the default settings for the plugin.
  • The last part defines the forms and fields for the user interface, so the user can edit the settings.

The field definitions always start with forms and fields in the YAML syntax:


You can add as many fields as you need for your plugin. The rule is: The name of the field must be the name of your default setting. So if you have a default setting for "position" like this...

  position: 'bottom'

... then you define an input field with the same name like this:


The field definition is pretty simple. If you know how to create fields in HTML, then you also know how to define them in YAML.

Let's have a look at the position field. It is a select-box with four values. I am pretty sure that you already guessed how it is defined in YAML:

      type: select
      label: Position of Cookie Banner
        bottom: Bottom
        top: Top
        bottom-left: Bottom left
        bottom-right: Bottom right  

It is basically the same as writing HTML. You simply add the type, the label, and the options.

Fields in the User Interface

TYPEMILL will read all your field definitions, and automatically create a user input field in the TYPEMILL settings UI. TYPEMILL will also insert the default value into the field and, of course, store the user input in the settings.

The Complete YAML-file

Let's check out the final YAML file for the Cookie Consent plugin with the basic information, with the default settings, and with the field definitions for the user interface:

name: Cookie Consent
version: 1.0.0
description: Enables a cookie consent for websites
author: Sebastian Schürmanns
licence: MIT
  popup_background: '#70c1b3'
  popup_text: '#ffffff'
  button_background: '#66b0a3'
  button_text: '#ffffff'
  theme: 'edgeless'
  position: 'bottom'
  message: 'This website uses cookies to ensure you get the best experience on our website.'
  link: 'Learn More'
  dismiss: 'Got It'
      type: select
      label: Theme
      placeholder: 'Add name of theme'
      required: true
        edgeless: Edgeless
        block: Block
        classic: Classic
      type: select
      label: Position of Cookie Banner
        bottom: Bottom
        top: Top
        bottom-left: Bottom left
        bottom-right: Bottom right
      type: textarea
      label: Message
      placeholder: 'Message for cookie-popup'
      required: true
      type: text
      label: Label for Link
      placeholder: 'Link-Lable like More infos'
      required: true
      type: text
      label: Label for Button
      placeholder: 'Got it'
      required: true
      type: color
      label: Background Color of Popup
      placeholder: 'Add hex color value like #ffffff'
      required: true
      type: color
      label: Text Color of Popup
      placeholder: 'Add hex color value like #ffffff'
      required: true
      type: color
      label: Background Color of Button
      placeholder: 'Add hex color value like #ffffff'
      required: true
      type: color
      label: Text Color of Button
      placeholder: 'Add hex color value like #ffffff'
      required: true

If you want to learn more about the field definitions, then read the documentation about field definitions. There you can discover all the possibilities available to you.

What else is there to say? Well, our plugin is ready now.
