Typemill 2.3.0: HTML and Licenses

I'm thrilled to announce that with the release of Typemill version 2.3.0, the new licensing system for plugins, themes, and services is officially up and running! Plus, we're introducing a new plugin that brings the much-requested HTML tags into Typemill's realm. Download Typemill 2.3.0 right here.

Embrace HTML with Ease

For a while, incorporating HTML directly into Typemill was a big ask due to security concerns. But not anymore! The new HTML plugin allows you to seamlessly integrate HTML content, maintaining the platform's security integrity. You can now interact with HTML tags in the visual editor as naturally as you would with any other content element.

An animated gif demonstrates the html-plugin for Typemill

Dive into the world of divs, spans, addresses, and more, with the added flexibility of IDs and classes. We're committed to enriching this plugin with even more tags and ready-to-use HTML elements in the future.

You can use the tags div, span, address, mark, sub, and sup with ids and classes. More tags and ready-to-use HTML elements are planned for a future release.

The plugin requires a MAKER-license, and the next big news is that the licenses can now be purchased on the Typemill website!

Licenses are Available

The license system is now live! You can visit the Typemill website to purchase a license and explore the details. Currently, the offerings include two plugins under the MAKER license. Moving forward, my focus will be on expanding the range of licensed plugins and services, with new additions planned each month.

Screenshot of the license pricing page on the Typemill website

Just to clarify, the core Typemill CMS remains open source. Licenses are only required for plugins, themes, or services under the MAKER or BUSINESS categories.

Register Plugin

I've given the register plugin a major overhaul and updated it to version 2 of Typemill while transitioning it to the MAKER license due to its complexity.

Directory Refresh

The directories for plugins, themes, and book layouts have undergone a significant makeover, offering a more intuitive and visually appealing experience. Beyond the HTML and register plugins, I've reintroduced the personal theme, the dev themes, the learn theme, and the book layouts.

Screenshot of the new plugin directory

Changelog Spotlight for 2.3.0

Version 2.3.0 is packed with many more improvements — 30 in total over the last month! Highlights include a new table column alignment in the visual editor, new pagination for image media library, and improved proxy detection, among many others. Delve into the full changelog for all the details.

What's Next: Version 2.4.0

Looking ahead, I'm focusing on exciting new plugins for the upcoming 2.4.0 release, including SEO, embedded content, and versioning plugins. On the Typemill core side, expect refinements aimed at optimizing performance for larger websites and a comprehensive update to the plugin documentation.

There's much to do, and I'm eager to share more updates in four weeks!