Typemill 2.4.0: Performance and More

Typemill version 2.4.0 is here, packed with great improvements again. Some of them require your action after an update, so let's jump into the details...

Performance Improvements (action required)

For those of you who use Typemill to craft hefty documentations (I know of a documentation with more than 4.000 pages), this update brings some excellent news. With version 2.4.0, actions like publishing, unpublishing, or deleting pages will run much faster in the author area, and I am sure your authors will appreciate it.

To ensure everything runs smoothly, please regenerate the navigation after updating. Just fire up Kixote, type "clear navigation" hit enter, and voilà! Your new navigation cache will be ready to roll.

Screenshot shows how to clear the navigation with Kixote

And for those of you who prefer the FTP route, simply head over to the "data" folder and delete the cached files in the "navigation" subfolder.

Updated Cyanine Theme (action required)

Exciting news on the Typemill themes! I updated a lot of themes to version 2 in the past weeks, and now the standard theme "Cyanine" got some improvements. You can directly tweak the background image of the intro-segment on your landing page and even decide whether to use homepage content as fallback. It's cleaner and more intuitive, but a heads up: this might shake up your existing landing page settings, so give them a quick once-over and reconfigure as needed.

Screenshot of the new settings option for the Cyanine theme

New Plugins: SEO, Mermaid, RSS

Say hello to some new friends! We've got a shiny new SEO plugin, allowing you to fetch statistical data from Google Search Console for each page. It's a bit of a process to snag an API key from Google, but trust me, it's worth it. The seo-plugin is released under the MAKER-license, so this is again a great opportunity to jump in and support this project!

Screenshot of the new SEO plugin

More updates for the Mermaid plugin and the RSS plugin are here, thanks to our awesome community contributors. It's heartwarming to see our community thriving once again!

Official Typemill Demo

Hurray! We now have an official online demo where you can take Typemill for a spin without the hassle of download or registration. Perfect for those moments when you want to recommend Typemill to others. The demo gets a fresh coat of paint every 30 minutes with a random dark or white design.

Landingpage for the new Typemill Demo with a white layout

Changelog Spotlight for 2.4.0

For all the details, check out the changelog from version 2.3.0 to 2.4.0. Highlights include a new user role dubbed "manager" and the ability for admins to reset user passwords.

Whats Next: Version 2.5.0

As we gear up for the holidays, I'm itching to dive into some fun projects after months of refactoring and updating. While I haven't settled on the next big thing just yet, I'm leaning towards something exciting — perhaps a plugin for content templates or delving into some AI wizardry.

Stay tuned for more updates, and expect another newsletter to land in your inbox come May.