Version 1.4.2: Small Improvements
Version 1.4.2 provides only some small improvements, the main goal was to support the next version of the new eBook-Plugin 1.1.0. The most significant change of Version 1.4.2 is the updated htaccess file, that allows to create base-folders with reserved names like "system", "settings" or "themes". You should update your htaccess file if you want to create those folder-names.

- Published: Version 1.1.0 of the eBook-Plugins.
- Updated htaccess: You can now create base folders with names like "system", "settings" or "themes" and they won't collide with the typemill-folders.
- Updated: Upgraded to latest version of vue 2.
- Improved: Nearly all components are moved to the shared vue file, so you can also use them in plugins with a new navigation item in the settings.
- Improved: CSS can be added to editor now.
- Improved: Moved data-transformation of customfields from php to vue.
- Improved: You can return now the pure Valitron object to perform validations with the typemill validation object.
- Added: Add more url-schemes for external links in the settings.
- Added: Disable the typemill headers if you want your own.
- Added: New event onMetaDefinitionsLoaded. Used to add a new tab with a plugin programmatically.
- Added: The item is now passed from the main vue app to the children components.
- Fixed: Some vue properties are removed from component-data if they are initialized in parent already.
- Fixed: List of posts is now hidden if you switch to another tab.
Update htaccess
If you want to update your htaccess file, then please use the new htaccess-file and copy/configure your individual settings there. You can then create base-folders with reserved typemill-names like "System", "Themes" or "Settings".
We will introduce the new eBook plugin in a second post. The new version runs in page-tabs, so you can create multiple publications from one website!