Version 1.1.X: Plugins and Author Panel
Version 1.1.7: Improved Session Management
Release date: 04.06.2018
Please follow the instructions for simple updates in the documentation. Please also update the Typemill theme.
- URL to google sitemap is not displayed in settings.
- Session Cookies are only set when authentication is required.
- Added security headers for content security policy, refferers, strict transport.
Version 1.1.6: Refactoring
Release date: 22.05.2018
Please follow the instructions for minor updates in the documentation. Please also update the Typemill theme and the plugins.
- Added security headers.
- Added a temporary ip-blocker if login fails 3 times.
- Added fieldsets for configuration fields of themes and plugins.
- Added logic for user roles.
- Changed url-structure from
. - Activated twig cache.
- Started to refactored css for author panel.
Version 1.1.5: Typemill Learns Math
Release date: 10.05.2018
Please follow the instructions for minor updates in the documentation. Please also update the Typemill theme and the plugins.
With version 1.1.5 Typemill learns math. There is a plugin called "math" that you can activate in the author panel. you can choose between MathJax and KaTeX. For the syntax to write math in markdown, please check the markdown reference page. Here are the details of this version:
- Extend markdown to support latex syntax.
- New plugin to activate MathJax or KaTeX.
- Highlight for code blocks is now a plugin.
- Share buttons for twitter, facebook and xing can be added to the TYPEMILL theme.
- Optimized mobile startpage.
- Table of content has now permanent ids and anchors (headline) instead of dynamic numbers.
Version 1.1.4: Refactoring
Release date: (30.04.2018)
Please follow the instructions for minor updates in the documentation. Please update the Typemill theme, too.
Version 1.1.4 is mainly an optimization and refactoring of the author panel released in version 1.1.3. Some details of the changes:
- Length of description is optimized for SEO now.
- You can display a last modified date on each page now (update the TYPEMILL theme for that).
- Optimized mobile version of the author-panel navigation.
- Form rendering is now done in a seperate form template.
- SettingsController is deeply refactored and some bugs are fixed.
- FormModel partly fixed and refactored.
- ValidationModel fixed.
- Update notifications for system, themes and plugins are completely refactored and unified.
- Welcome page is fixed, so that the linked themes- and plugin settings show the initial values now.
- Settings functions for plugins and themes are cleaned up and unified.
- Design is partly fixed and unified (open-close icons and more).
- User documentation has been enhanced and corrected.
Version 1.1.3: The Author Panel
Release date: 19.04.2018
Please follow the instructions for major updates in the documentation.
Version 1.1.3 introduces an author panel. Now you can authenticate, configure the system, themes and plugins and manage users. This is the first step towards a full authoring panel that helps you to manage, create and edit everything online.
- Author panel.
- Authentication.
- Configuration of the system, the theme and the plugins.
- User management (create update and deleted).
- Bugfix: Footnotes in Markdown didn't work due to parsedown library. Fixed in the new library version.
Version 1.1.2: Improved Setup
Release Date: 15.03.2018
With version 1.1.2 we added the possibility to configure the theme in the setup a bit more. We also fixed a bug in the htaccess. So next to the "system"-folder, you should also update the theme-folder and the htaccess-file. As always, backup your settings.yaml-file, then delete it and setup your website again (visit /setup).
- Added configurations for themes in the setup.
- Improved update check for themes, plugins and base app.
- optimized design of setup.
- Added language selection to setup (used only for lang-attribute right now).
- Updated typemill theme accordingly
- Bugfix: Index.php is not reachable anymore, prevents duplicate content. Please update htaccess-file.
Version 1.1.1: Refactoring
Release date: 25.02.2018
Version 1.1.1 is mainly an improvement and some refactoring for the plugin release.
- Added new plugin "analytics" for integration of Matomo/Piwik and Google Analytics.
- Theme "TYPEMILL": Design refresh.
- Theme "TYPEMILL": Added cannonical url.
- Theme "TYPEMILL": Added meta tags for social sharing including image reference.
- Increased length of meta-description for google.
- Fixed error with field builder (getAttributeValues).
- Fixed error with static functions in settings (added declaration as static).
- Added documentation for plugin developers.
Version 1.1.0: Introduce Plugins
Release date: 05.02.2018
Version 1.1.0 introduces plugins to typemill. And because of the GDPR, the first plugin is an implementation of the famous cookieconsent. So heads up, you can publish GDPR-compliant websites with typemill now!
All plugins are in the "plugin"-folder, and I can't wait, that this folder will be stuffed with cool extensions.
To update the system, please delete, replace and upload
- the "system" folder and
- the "theme" folder.
- the "plugin" folder (new).
Then backup and delete your settings.yaml in the settings-folder.
Now visit your startpage and click on the new setup-button. The button will direct you to the new setup page, where you can configure the basic system and the new cookieconsent-plugin.
Plugins are easy to use for writers, but a plugin system is pretty complex to implement for a developer, so there is a lot of new code. For now, there is no documentation for developers, but it will follow, soon.
Also introduced with 1.1.0 :
- Field Builder
- CSRF-Protection
- Input Validation
- Version Check for Plugins, Themes and Core-System
- Simple Asset Manager
- Twig Extensions